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Restaurant Photography: How to Make Yours Shine

Dining out is a largely sensory activity.

The way the food looks and smells – plus the ambiance – can affect how the food actually tastes.

This is why having gorgeous restaurant photography is so important! You want the photography you are putting out there on social media, on your website, and via other channels is properly showcasing the incredible fare you have in-house.

At Pl8ted, the leading digital marketing agency for restaurants we know a thing or two about restaurant photography. Here are 5 tips on how to make yours shine:

Get the Best Light.

Many restaurant interiors are dark and moody – which is great for an intimate dining experience, but not so great for photography. In order to get the best photos, you need the best light. You absolutely can’t go wrong if you shoot by a window or other natural light source. More tables and more into the light, and you’ll be amazed at the difference it will make when shooting!

Use Triangles to your Advantage.

While we sometimes want to shoot a lone dish of food, those one-dimensional shots can get boring. Another great way to showcase a dish, while keeping it interesting, is to use a triangular approach. What do we mean? We mean using your main dish you want to shoot, but then also working in 2 other objects or food items. Maybe this is a vase of flowers or another side plate of food. Work with different serving platters to create a harmonious triangle in your photography. And it’s okay if some dishes aren’t fully shown in the shot! Seeing corners and sneak peaks adds interest, while still keeping the main focus on the entrée you intended to shoot in the first place. A marketing agency for restaurants should be able to help you create these layered shots that add texture and substance.

Work with Colors Around You.

If the restaurant you are shooting in is red and white, then taking photos with lots of orange or yellow isn’t going to look so hot. Think about the color wheel and use complimentary colors in your photography to balance and add warmth to the shots as you’re shooting. You want it to feel like the food blends seamlessly with its surroundings. Even if the food itself doesn’t match, adding an accent garnish or colored serving dishs that tie it together can make all the difference. 

Involve the Servers.

Another way to add interest is to use hands in the shots. After all, someone will need to use their hands to eat the food, right?! Adding in people makes the shot more personal. Maybe this is someone holding the dish as if they are serving it. Or it’s a hand holding a fork, presumably about to take a bite. This is a simple way to help your potential guests envision themselves dining at your restaurant and chowing down on this delicious fare.

Wear White When Shooting.

This sounds strange but hear us out. How often have you been wearing something and the colors from your shirt reflected back onto something nearby? If you’re wearing a red shirt to shoot – do you want red undertones to sneak their way into your final photos? Instead, where white as a way to reflect back the natural light and keep things crisp and clean in your photos. 

Need Help with Restaurant Photography?

As a marketing agency for restaurants, Pl8ted specializes in food and restaurant photography. If you need to update your photography bank, give us a call today for mouthwatering photos every time.