We remove negative reviews.

Your star rating is your first impression.

The value of your star rating on Google, Yelp, TripAdvisor and more can be enough to either attract a new guest or convince them your competitor is a safer bet.

Pl8ted has a unique and proprietary system of removing 1 & 2 star reviews. We carefully audit your historical reviews, categorize them, prioritize the pain-points and begin “tagging & flagging.”

We’ll send you a report each month of the negative reviews we have successfully had removed

You pay only for the removals.

Why People Choose Us?

If we were to hire a partner agency to manage our digital marketing initiatives, this is what WE would look for:


We have over 20 years of digital marketing experience under our hat.

It’s “Palatable”

We make digital marketing easy-to-digest so that you understand what’s being executed upon.

A Healthy Environment!

Our team is fun, energetic, and understands that the Internet can be a lonely place without the right guide.

Our Own Clients Will Tell Ya…

Think of our team as an extension of yours.

We have a specific team for each one of our services, and we have the ability to scale-up accordingly.

So whether you’ve got one restaurant or hundreds, we provide reliability along with proof-of-results.

But don’t just take our word for it.